Monday 21 March 2011

Great online fast food experience

I never would have thought that ordering fast food online could be such a good experience but if you are a bit of a geek, like me, and you like pizza then try ordering online at Papa Johns

The online user journey is slick and encourages you to find your local store, the offers are easily applied and the live order status (aka knowing when to get your ass in to the car) is a real bonus.

But best of all, when you arrive to pick up (they do delivery too) the order has been processed, your pizzas boxed and clearly labeled with your name and the pizza type. All you have to do is pick up the pizza, sign a slip to say you have picked up and off you go!!!

Well done to Papa Johns in having such a well executed experience that seamlessly intergrates both online and offline services.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Oldie but a goodie

Just found this on my machine under 'Blog this', so I'm following my own instructions!

This was the BBC election site for the 2010 General Election - things I thought were worth blogging about:
- user generated video content
- interaction of the video content
- visual display of the video content

Very nice ineed! have a look and a play at:

The hungry basket

Found this and thought it was so lovely that I just couldn't resist blogging it!

my digital life

:// to get your own personalised infographic. One thing I hope is that my life really isn't that simple to interpret!

Great example of a personalised info graphic. Check out http

break the form rules

Intersting conversion case study of a traditional form design v's an inline 'conversational' form... which one converted more...have a look for yourself: