Thursday 12 June 2008

does a rose still smell as sweet....

I have to admit it, I have an embarrassing habit of mixing well known phrases and to create a new phrase which still has the original meaning.

Odd? I agree.

But somehow my mind makes sense of what I want to say, takes what it can and pastes together a bizarre assortment of words to communicate the message... thought it would be good to keep a record of my strange mental model so here goes:

- its a vicious catch 22
- the moon and her daughters
- raw end of the stick
- brightest tool in the box
- gidits and gazmos

Drop us a bell

Similarly, our clever brains are able to unscramble words without really trying. Apparently when we read we take the first and last letter of each word and make sense of what's in between. Visit the scrambler to try it our for your self.

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